Your efforts to protect yourself are keeping you stuck
Do you know that something in your life needs to change? Maybe it's your job, a relationship, asking for something you want, or finally starting that side hustle, but you just can't seem to make it happen?
When you think about making the change, does your brain come up with all the ways it won't work? Maybe you can't even figure out what you want to do, you come up with an excellent reason why every idea won't be a good one, or how every idea might go wrong. This is frustrating, but it isn't surprising.
Your brain is not meant to help you thrive, it is meant to help you survive.
This is why your brain will almost always chose the option it already knows over an unknown, untried option. Even if the known option suuuuuuuuucks. At least your brain knows what to expect and that you will 'survive' the known option.
So when you start thinking about making a change, or trying something new, you can expect your brain to come up with a plethora of reasoned explanations for why it won't work.
So, how to change?
One approach is to harness your brains critical thinking powers for good! When you start to talk yourself out of trying something new, notice this natural response for self-protection, and then flip the script. Ask yourself, what could you do to talk yourself INTO trying something new. You're clearly very smart and capable of thinking of possibilities for the unknown outcome from the standpoint that it won't work... what if you used that same brain power from the standpoint of "what if it will work out?". If you believed that this change you want would work, then what would you do? What actions would you take? How would you approach this change?
Start from the mindset of, it's just as likely to work out, so how do I talk myself INTO change?