Mindset Memo #1

What if it DOES work out?

I bet I can read your mind. OK, not all the time. But right before you stop yourself from trying something new, I have a feeling I know what is going through your mind: all the reasons why it won’t work out. All the reasons why you shouldn’t even try, or how trying to change your normal way of doing things will lead to misery and failure. Lol. 

This is actually pretty dang common, maybe “reading your mind” was giving myself a little too much power. Even when we want to make a change, or try something new, our brain’s “job” is to keep us safe. And the known is always more safe than the unknown; even if it’s miserable, it’s a misery our brain feels prepared for. 

If you notice that you struggle to put yourself out there, to try new things, or to make the changes you really want to make but just can’t seem to get yourself to do them… this might be part of what is happening that’s keeping you from trying. And when we can recognize the ways we unintentionally act (or don’t take action) against our best interests, that is the magic moment when we can choose to override the patterns that keep us stuck. 

One trick is to have a response ready for your natural reaction. If your brain tends to keep you safe by thinking of all the ways taking action will backfire or not work out, be ready with the  reverse question, “what if it DOES work out?” 

I’m not saying this will completely change everything and your brain will be like, “oh what a great idea! Nevermind, I’m totally on board, all I needed was that one sentence and I’m a changed brain!” What I am suggesting is that we tend to spend an inordinate amount of time talking ourselves OUT of trying, and barely any time talking ourselves INTO trying. And many studies have shown that what people regret at the end of their lives is all the times they didn’t try. 

So if you want to make some changes, try some new and potentially scary things, or stop feeling like your life is passing you by because at least you are trying and exploring your potential… why not start practicing flipping your brain’s script and asking yourself to ponder all the ways it might actually work out. What if it DOES work out?


Mindset Memo #2